
If, for any reason, you are not entirely satisfied with your order, within 14 days of delivery, you can return one or more items and choose to receive other items as replacements or exercise your right to withdraw. The right to return and withdraw is considered exercised correctly if the following conditions are fully met:

  • Products must come with any possible accessories and with the warranty seal applied to the product (which is not always present on all products); they must not be damaged, harmed, or soiled. They must not show signs of extended use or exceed the time necessary for a trial, and they must not be in a condition that would prevent their sale.
  • The soles of the footwear must be in perfect condition and not show any signs of any kind of wear.
  • All footwear and accessories must be returned properly packaged in their original box, which is considered an integral part of the product itself and must not have been damaged, altered, or used as the sole outer packaging.
  • It is essential to attach a paper copy of the order to allow for its identification and the corresponding refund.

If the return does not comply with the above conditions or does not follow the specified procedure, Olip Italia reserves the right to refuse it. Acceptance of such returns, however, results in a charge equivalent to 10% of the value of the returned goods.

To initiate a size exchange or return process, please access the following link and fill in the text fields with the order ID and the email address used for the purchase:


For any questions or doubts, you can send an email to:

In the event that the merchandise is defective or there are shipping errors on the part of OLIP ITALIA spa, you are required to follow the same instructions as mentioned above. Refunds are made within a maximum of 14 days from the return of the merchandise to our headquarters to ensure that the goods are returned in the same condition as when they were shipped.